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Nadia Moheisen is an FEI rider. She has competed horses from never being under saddle to I1 and has gotten all her scores for her USDF bronze, silver, and half of her gold medal with the help of S Judge and Grand Prix trainer Brian MacMahon.


All the scores were on horses Nadia trained herself and brought up the levels. Every horse Nadia has had the honor to work with has taught her and helped her to be a better trainer and teacher for the next horse and client.


She has ridden many different breeds and types.


Kimmie Taylor

“Nadia Moheisen has been helping me with my horses for 10 years, from young

warmbloods to my FEI Hannoverian. She has an impressive work ethic that she brings

to the table with so much love for the horse and sport!


She craves knowledge " always" to help improve her journey with the horse. What impressed

me the most about Nadia was when she helped me with my FEI horse through a double hip replacement.  She kept my mare going. Then, it helped me through the journey of riding again. She encouraged me at my lowest point to not give up.


Not only did she show my talent mare at the World Equestrian Center, but she also got me back in the ring at the WEC. I can't say enough good things about this talented young lady. She's the whole package!”

Book a

  • Pricing depends on location.

    45 min

    70 US dollars
  • Lessons/Training Rides once a week (includes 4 sessions per month)

    45 min

    280 US dollars
  • Lessons/Training Rides 3 times a week (per month)

    45 min

    600 US dollars
  • Lessons/Training Rides 5 times a week (per month)

    45 min

    800 US dollars
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